Chiropractic Care
Let’s take care of your health
We all know that your lungs control breathing, and your heart controls blood circulation, but did you know that your nervous system connects your brain with every muscle, tissue, and cell in your body? It’s easy at times to forget this, and often we neglect this system and ultimately place our health as a last priority.
Chiropractors gently and safely remove irritation from the nervous system, and encourage healing throughout the whole body. Communication is key, and this is especially true when it comes to your brain and body. By restoring this connection, every tissue in the body has the chance to heal, adapt, and function at its optimum.

Chiropractic Care
Let’s take care of your health
We all know that your lungs control breathing, and your heart controls blood circulation, but did you know that your nervous system connects your brain with every muscle, tissue, and cell in your body? It’s easy at times to forget this, and often we neglect this system and ultimately place our health as a last priority.
Chiropractors gently and safely remove irritation from the nervous system, and encourage healing throughout the whole body. Communication is key, and this is especially true when it comes to your brain and body. By restoring this connection, every tissue in the body has the chance to heal, adapt, and function at its optimum.
How can we help you?
Select an option below to read more.
What are your symptoms?
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Hip Pain
Specialised care
Pregnancy Care
Sports Care
Functional Nutrition
Treating your symptoms
Find out more about the Chiropractic techniques we use to treat our patients.
Our Techniques
Low Back Pain
How many times have you heard that if you suffer from low back pain, you should rest and not move? Actually, the opposite is true! Living an active lifestyle, full of exercise, is a great way to ensure that all spinal joints continue to move and stay flexible.
In Australia it’s believed that 70-90% of the population will suffer with low back pain in their lives, most commonly adults between the ages of 30 and 50. However, poor posture and less movement means that anyone can suffer with low back pain, especially teenagers and young adults who are now spending increasingly longer times behind a computer, phone, or other device.
The causes of low back pain can vary from inflamed muscles to complex neurological complications.
Ways to reduce low back pain
Chiropractic spinal adjustments/manipulations
Working on optimal posture
7-8 hours of sleep (preferably on back or side)
Walking for at least 30 minutes a day
Massage to the area
Deep breathing (belly breaths)
Applying heat to the low back area (20 minutes)
Natural anti-inflammatories like turmeric, curcumin, or fish oil
Hot bath with epson salts
Saunas or spas
Avoid sitting and take regular breaks
Using Arnica as an oral homeopathic or topical cream
Magnesium supplements – 400mg/day
Pilates and/or yoga
How can we help you?
As you can see, low back pain is a complicated condition to manage, and everyone suffers with it uniquely. Chiropractic care has proven to be one of the most effective tools to manage low back pain, and here at Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre your case will be managed as uniquely as you are.
Our Chiropractors are highly skilled and passionate about spinal health. To fully appreciate your type of low back pain, a complete medical history and exam will be performed, and further investigations will be ordered if necessary.
We are committed to ensuring that not only do you feel ‘pain free’, but the risk of future episodes is reduced. Ranging from gentle to firmer adjustments, there is a type of Chiropractic care for everyone.
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2019. Back problems. Cat. no. PHE 231. Canberra: AIHW. Viewed 22 April 2020.
Let’s treat your back pain, book your free spinal check-up

Neck Pain
In today’s society, it's common to see most people on a bus sitting down with their heads bent over their phones. Poor posture and ergonomics place a significant amount of stress on the spinal joints in the neck, which, if left to become chronic, can lead to symptoms such as aching, pain, and burning sensations. If left unmanaged, these issues can develop into chronic conditions which can affect the overall quality of your life.

Managing Neck Pain
Our Chiropractors have developed a successful strategy to assist in the management of neck pain and related conditions. Chiropractors perform safe and effective neck manipulations, which can have the desired effect to:
Restore function to spinal joints
Reduce pain and symptoms
Loosen and relax tight soft tissues
Reduce or eliminate radiating symptoms to the arms, face, and/or jaw
Improve neck ergonomics and posture.
Our Chiropractors at Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre specialise in assessing and appropriately managing all affected areas relating to neck pain and neck-related injuries. Whether it requires relaxing the local soft tissues, adjusting the spine, or a combination of both, our Chiropractor will work with you to ensure that your symptoms and conditions are managed effectively.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my Chiropractor need to ‘pop’ and crack my neck?
At Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre, we always do our best to ensure that you feel comfortable and safe. Our Chiropractors are well-trained, and prefer to use gentler forms of adjusting. Therefore, a different technique of Chiropractic will be chosen for your individual case, to ensure that not only do you receive the best results, but also feel the most comfortable.
What is the pop I can hear?
The ‘pop’ or ‘crack’ that you can sometimes hear is the release of carbon dioxide from the synovial fluid in the joints and tissue. This is a perfectly normal and safe process. Consult with one of our Chiropractors today.
Let’s manage your neck pain, book an appointment today
Headaches affect 4.9 million Australians, with a higher prevalence amongst women. Headaches can be debilitating and can reduce your overall quality of life significantly. With more than 150 different types of headaches, detailed investigation is required to ensure the correct diagnosis and management.
Three common types of headaches:
Cluster: Intense sharp pain around one or both eyes. Can sometimes wake you from your sleep. Redness and irritation in the eye can be noted.
Cervicogenic: Aching pain radiating from the back of the neck and skull, to the front of the face/jaw and/or neck
Tension Type: Tight band of pressure sensation around the circumference of the head. Can be most notable during periods of high emotional stress.
Let’s get rid of those headaches, book an appointment today
Shoulder Pain
The shoulder joints are a commonly injured area. Due to its reliance on the muscles and ligaments to maintain its integrity, shoulders can experience significant loading and stress. This can lead to damage of the tissues like the labrum, resulting in instability.
Although sports and other physical activity can induce shoulder injuries, poor posture and mid back biomechanics can affect the movement of the shoulder and scapular, leading to abnormal movements and ultimately injury and dysfunction.
If left injured, conditions such as bursitis, rotator cuff tears, or impingement can result in adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). This results in stiffening and chronic inflammation.
How can Chiropractic help?
By performing a thorough history, extensive exam and investigations, a Chiropractor will be able to accurately assess and diagnose the cause of your shoulder symptoms. Chiropractors work to ensure that joints are moving at their optimum, therefore if your symptoms are induced by abnormal shoulder or associated spinal movement, a Chiropractic adjustment may be able to provide benefit.
Whether it’s functional rehabilitation, posture and ergonomic assessment, or spinal adjustment, our Chiropractors at Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre will be able to provide you with the best and most effective care available.
Want a free ergonomic assessment tool for your desk?
Hip Pain
Do your hips ‘click’, ‘pop’, or ‘crack’? Do they feel uneven or potentially unstable?
Hips are complicated joints that require specialised care and attention. Due to the integrative relationship between the hips, pelvis, and spine, a holistic approach will allow for all factors relating to the hips to be considered, leading to a more accurate diagnosis.
At Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre, our Chiropractors are able to assess the mechanics of the joints, and provide specific management to ensure they move and function optimally.
Some simple tips and tricks to improve hip ergonomics:
Chiropractic adjustments
Invest in a sit-to-stand desk
Ensure both feet are placed softly on the floor when sitting
Attempt to cross at your ankles, rather than your knees
If a side sleeper, insert a pillow between your knees.
Let’s treat your hip pain, book your free hip check

Pregnancy Care
Congratulations on your pregnancy! It such an amazing time, so why not give yourself and your bub a great start to life, with Chiropractic!
During pregnancy there can be a lot of stress placed on mum’s entire body, especially the spine and pelvis. This can potentially lead to uncomfortable and complicated issue to both mum and bub.

Managing Your Pain
Our Chiropractors are passionate about checking and adjusting mums and bubs, and therefore potentially preventing future issues from developing.
Our gentle techniques can assist in problems experienced during pregnancy, including:
Low back Pain
Neck Pain
Carpal Tunnel
Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction
Learn more about our Chiropractic techniques HERE.
Read our blog about the top 5 exercises for a healthy and happy pregnancy HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions
At what stage of pregnancy can I start getting adjusted?
Chiropractic is an incredibly safe and effective option for care during pregnancy. Therefore, you can commence chiropractic care at any stage during your pregnancy.
However, starting care earlier could potentially alleviate common aches and pain, and may prevent symptoms from becoming worse.
What are common pregnancy complaints that Chiropractic could relieve?
Chiropractic care may be able to alleviate symptoms such as neck pain, low back pain, headaches and sciatica. Chiropractic is a non-invasive, drug free care option, which is why more and more people are choosing this Chiropractic for pain and symptoms relief.
Can I bring my children to the Centre?
Of course! At Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre, we believe that all members of the family deserve to experience optimal spinal function and health. Toys and colouring-in activities are available to keep your kids entertained, while you get the care that you deserve.
Book your child in for a free spine check-up
Sports Care
Injuries & Performance
Everyone has their own unique goals when it comes to exercise and sport. Whether it’s to perform in the athletic arena, lose some excess weight, or simply keep moving, your exercise relies on your body working at its optimal potential.
Chiropractic care is focused on improving the functionality of the spine and associated joints and tissues. By utilising extensive neurological, orthopaedic, and functional assessments, our Chiropractors will be able to understand how your body works. This will allow us to determine the root cause of your issues, and provide care to assist you in achieving your fitness objectives.
Chiropractic care may be able to:
Prevent injuries: Chiropractic care restores movement and alignment to spine and associated joints and tissues. This can potentially reduce injuries and prevent further complications.
Pain management: Damaged joints create inflammation to surrounding tissues, which our nervous system detects as pain. Chiropractic care seeks to restore function to these damage joints and tissues, which may significantly reduce pain and symptoms.
Let’s get you into peak condition, book an appointment today
Functional Nutrition
We have a dedicated Nutritionist, Bianca, here at the Centre who works with a number of diet and health-related issues. You can find information about her and her services here.
As primary healthcare providers, Chiropractors have general training and study in nutrition and diet. You are what you eat, and what you eat can dictate the health of your body. Therefore, by considering your nutritional history in conjunction with your physical health, we can start making holistic long-term healthy habits.
Our Chiropractors are passionate about providing a holistic care plan for all of our patients. This includes offering general nutritional advice. A thorough analysis of your food journal will be the first tool to helping your Chiropractor assess and assist you in creating new and health dietary habits.
Let’s assist you in creating new healthy dietary habits
All the below techniques can help you with neck pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, headaches and migraines, chronic conditions, as well as sports-related injuries.
This is the most common Chiropractic manipulative technique, and involves the use of gentle force applied to specific joints. A small release of carbon dioxide can produce an audible ‘pop’ or ‘crack’ noise. This technique can be applied to any joint in the body.
Diversified techniques are an effective management option for both acute and chronic conditions. The two types of diversified techniques that our Chiropractors specialise in include ‘high velocity low amplitude’ (HVLA) and ‘low velocity low amplitude’ (LVLA). This allows our Chiropractors to provide care to a wide range of individuals, ensuring that you always receive the correct Chiropractic care.
A gentle manipulative technique that utilises comprehensive assessment to identify areas of tension and stiffness in the nervous system. The technique relies heavily on the relationship and interaction of the sacrum, occiput (base of skull) and the nervous system. Therefore, issues present at one of these areas will result in corresponding issues to the other two.
This technique does not involve amplitude on the joints, and is therefore a popular technique for individuals who prefer not to hear audible ‘pops’ or ‘cracks.’ This is a safe and effective option for all ages.
Activator technique is a specialised adjusting procedure where your Chiropractor employs a spring-loaded adjusting instrument, called an activator, to deliver a manipulation. Similar to the diversified technique, the tool delivers a HVLA to a joint, ultimately achieving an adjustment but without the audible ‘pops’ or ‘cracks.’
Due to the gentle nature of the technique, it allows for greater precision with adjustments, as well as the ability to accurately control the force applied to a joint.
At Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre we have specialised segmental ‘drop’ tables, which are utilised to provide safe and effective Thompson adjustments. By analysing the length of your legs, your Chiropractor is able to correct the imbalance and improve the function of the affected area.
This specialised technique will have your Chiropractor applying minimal force to your spine, as the table will move beneath you in reaction. This allows for smooth and gentle adjustment. Due to the gentle and specific nature of this technique, it is a popular management option for many conditions and individuals.
Headaches, neck pain, and stiff shoulders are just some of the responses that your body has to stress. Sympathetic dominance refers to the state of your body when it fails to move from a stressed (fight or flight) state to an unstressed (rest and digest) state. This results in your nervous system being ‘wound up’ and unable to function optimally. Symptoms of sympathetic dominance include poor sleep, dry skin, and gut and digestive issues, just to name a few.
The SD protocol utilises a holistic perspective to remove unwarranted stress from your environment, as well as provide tools to assist in developing a more robust nervous system. This approach is centred around getting to the root cause of your health issues and identifying factors that encourage your ‘chronic stress’.

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