Nutritionist Consultations
Your Local Cottesloe Nutritionist
You’re in the right Place
Good nutrition is foundational for good health, as what you eat is used for everything from powering your body, regenerating your cells, ensuring the optimal function of your organs, and allowing you to grow and heal. It can even affect your mental health, memory, moods, and sleep.
Our goal is to arm you with knowledge, support, and confidence, so that you're able to make food choices that support your health and wellbeing both now, and throughout your lifetime.
BOOk your initial consultation now!
A Holistic Approach to Nutrition
Choosing healthy food options is one of the simplest ways that we can take care of our health and our bodies on a daily basis. There is something empowering about knowing you are making the best choices for you, and you're not only nourishing your body with what it needs to thrive, but you're also enjoying the experience. Food is one of life's greatest pleasures, and by eating well, you’re creating a solid foundation for health, and setting yourself up to enjoy all that life has to offer.
Here at Cottesloe Chiropractic Centre, we take a holistic approach to nutrition, because it’s not just as simple as what you eat. There may be many factors that influence why you make the food choices that you do, and these need to be considered alongside the food itself. Your diet can also be impacted by the lifestyle choices that you make, or situations that you find yourself in, and may come from the physical, emotional, or mental health spheres. We will endeavour to look at all the elements that impact your food choices, and deliver recommendations to give you the most beneficial outcome. Come and speak to your trusted Perth Nutritionist!
Current research tells us that it can take between 21 and 66 days to form new habits, and for those habits to become routine. Creating new eating habits are no different! Because of this, we work at a slow and sustainable pace, and ensure that all changes and recommendations are introduced gently and gradually, We also take into consideration your unique situation and schedule, so that you can build and merge your new habits easily within your existing lifestyle.
Meet Bianca, Your Nutritionist
Your Nutritionist, Bianca, is extremely passionate about health and nutrition, and believes that our diet is at the very core of our health outcomes. She holds a Bachelor of Food and Nutrition (B(Food/Nutr)), alongside a number of other qualifications including an Advanced Certificate of Nutrition and Health (specialising in Nutrition for Stress, Anxiety and Depression). You can read more about her here.
Let’s get to know each other, book your FREE 15-minute Consult Call now!
What to Expect
the consultation process includes:
Initial Consultation
In this hour-long appointment, we'll go through a full health history, detailing everything from your dietary intake, to your stress levels, exercise and sleeping habits, and more. This is included because these factors can be influenced by your diet, and your diet can also be influenced by them. Ultimately, all of these factors influence your overall health! We'll also discuss your past and current health concerns, and what your goals and desired outcomes are from our time together.
Bianca will put together a program tailored especially for you, including regular consultations, and recommendations on where, and how, to tweak your food intake to best support your health and overall goals.
Standard Consultation
In this half-hour appointment, we'll go through your most recent food diary, check on your progress with your recommendations, and introduce new recommendations to take forward.
These may be food and lifestyle-based, and they may also incorporate other factors such as stress management, exercise, and sleep.
These will follow a tailored trajectory, and move at a pace that best supports you personally.
You must have an Initial Consultation, before moving to the Standard Consultations.
Between Consult Support
Bianca will be available to you via email and text/WhatsApp between your regular consultations.
This gives you added levels of support, clarity, and encouragement as you navigate your way through your new lifestyle modifications and habit creation.
We recognise that it can sometimes be a challenging process when you’re going through a period of transformation, and as such we wish to offer you as much care and reinforcement as you need.
We Work With
let us support you with:
Weight management
General nutrition advice
Improving sleep quality
Improving energy levels
Diet-induced health issues
Treating stress and overwhelm
Changing relationships with food
Women’s health issues, including peri- and post-menopause
Improving mental health, including anxiety and depression